ICDI Housing

Empowering communities to receive newcomers and providing safe places.

Why a community-based program?

We believe in providing safe and dignified living conditions for individuals who would otherwise be subjected to cruel and traumatizing detention facilities. Our housing model is built on the principles of trauma-informed care, which recognizes the unique needs and experiences of individuals who have been impacted by immigration processes.

  • Currently five communities and expanding
  • The goal is every community will support its own program under supervision of ICDI.
  • Number of families served
  • Number of mentors
  • Number of communities
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The ICDI Mentors program aims to assist new arrivals integrate into their new life in the United States by providing them with accompaniment support in everyday aspects of life in their new community. Furthermore, the Mentors program aims to empower the newly arrived to become independent and self-sufficient.

How to Become a
Housing Sponsor

By offering stable housing, we aim to empower individuals to rebuild their lives and foster a sense of belonging. We understand that housing is a fundamental human right, and by providing safe and welcoming environments, we strive to create spaces where individuals can heal, integrate, and thrive.

Ways to Get Involved...

needs and support

$250 / month

Make a

needs and support

$250 / month

Make a

needs and support

$500 / month

Make a

Success Stories

If you have any housing related questions please email ICDI Housing Director, Colin McCormick, cmccormick@icdichicago.org.
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